Monday, February 5, 2007

It's been a while...

For those that avidly check this and want to know all about my FANTASTIC life... sorry for not posting...I've been busy moving, starting the new job and experiencing a social life again. Few things:

1 - Big thanks and love to the Bay folks that have made me feel right at home.
2 - The commute thing is not so bad (this coming from the girl that has currently commuted all of three days in her life).
3 - The weather is fantastic. Snow is officially a VERRY distant memory.
4 - The opportunities to eat and eat well have multiplied exponentially. Thankfully the walk from BART to work and back (see #3) has made it feasible to eat well and not blow up like a zephyr in record time.
5 - Watching a Midwestern Super Bowl in California... hmmm.... I may have to fly back to Indiana if and WHEN the Colts make it to the Super Bowl again.

I'll write more later, thanks for checking in.



Chai said...

glad you are enjoying my hometown area. and i am really glad your hometown team won! :)

AnuZi said...

the #1 bullet on your list is making me jealous! It about 11 degrees here and with the wind chill it feels like -2! Take it all in because I would love to read more of your adventures in the entries to come.

AnuZi said...

Btw if you are hungry, just take a flight into dc :o) I promise you a konkeriffic meal hehe

mariposa said...

Welcome to SF! Perhaps we should do an SF bloggers meetup...